It only took me 31 years to start writing (and publishing) regularly online, albeit mostly inconsequential posts on Tumblr. Another (almost) 6 years and 1 500 posts (in 2 languages) later, and I finally feel ready to pursue what I was aiming at all along: writing serious thoughts on a proper, dedicated website. Here we are: I can't hide anymore - now.
The reason it's taken so long, apart from that very common affectation referred to as laziness, is that I couldn't dare share things that were too overly personal "out loud". I did resort to it a handful of times on Tumblr over the years, but only when global or personal news compelled me to do so, and never with ease. They may arguably have been my best posts (not entirely for me to say), but I didn't feel ready then to focus solely on such revealing content - even though I regularly claimed I would to anyone around with a sympathetic ear. This rather thinly veiled tactic to force myself out of my doubts didn't work - until now.
I keep telling everyone - and myself - that it doesn't matter how long the process takes, as long as you get there, i.e. to whatever it is you are truly meant to be doing. For a while, in my younger years, I was rather precocious in most of my endeavours - studies, travels, work... With time, however, it felt like I was slowing down while everyone around was picking up speed - as they should. Now, at the grand old age of 37, I'm not quite sure whether I am late or precocious anymore. But I also know that it doesn't matter.
Here's to what I hope will be (more) words of wisdom. Thanks for reading.