Musky Elon
I will be honest: I admired Elon Musk for a number of years. That was, however, before the man turned ideological…
Strange times
Watching a US late night talk show now, you can’t help but feel a degree of sadness infused in most of what the hosts are saying. Does this mean this is game over?
The intelligence of Donald Trump
Not everybody thought Kamala Harris could win, but very few predicted that Donald Trump would so in such a decisive manner. So, what happened?
I could care less
I am not American, therefore I do not really care what happens on November 5th. Except I do, for three key reasons…
New beginnings
A typical early September post could be: “vacation was cool but too short, now back to school and the weather’s gonna start sucking soon”. However, this year, things are little different over here: it’s the first day of school…
What a games
I was not amongst those Parisians who b*tched about the upcoming Olympics, how much they would disrupt traffic, our daily lives, the way to the bakery… But I’ll be honest: the games markedly exceeded my expectations.
A new hope
Hours after I posted my last article about the possibility of President Joe Biden dropping out of the 2024 US presidential race and what that would imply, he did just that. And that changed everything…
Super-sized mess
Morgan Spurlock, the man who created the infamous Super Size Me documentary, passed away a few months ago. We now know that the director/protagonist happened to be at the height of his alcoholism during shooting. The parallel may be a little far fetched, but current US politics feel more confusing than that…
A democracy, if we can keep it
As the work of the American Convention was nearing its end, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin what the new country’s regime would look like, to which the founding father famously responded — “A republic, if you can keep it”. This could easily be transposed to modern day France, with a small nuance: it is democracy itself that may be at stake here…
The lesser of two evils
After the first round of snap legislative elections gave a strong lead, but likely no absolute majority, to the far right, what is playing out amongst other parties is incredibly telling of today’s political and ultimately moral hesitations in the country of human rights.
Decision time
We stand exactly one week away from the first round of France’s snap legislative elections. Their context is unheard of and likely outcomes are objectively crucial…
A funny thing happened on the way from the European elections
Results from the European parliamentary elections didn’t come as a surprise: everywhere, and especially in France, the far right is gaining ground. What did come as a surprise was President Macron’s decision to call for new (French) parliamentary elections…
Properly grown
I used to think that teenage is the beginning of all troubles with a kid. Now, I know better: by the time they’re 12, they’ve been through several cycles of crisis… What they call parenting.
The waist test
I have been working out — but not running. The issue becomes evident anytime I have to go to a work thing and wear (more) formal jeans and a shirt. Like this week.
Artificially intelligent
A few days ago, a friend and I launched our first AI project together: The drawing AI. And it’s just the beginning…
Blue February
There is this theory about Blue Monday: the third one of January, supposedly the worst day of the year. Well, I contend that’s bollocks: the real deal is Blue February.
Recapping 2023
Writing a recap of any year isn’t easy. And this one is not done with just yet, so there is always a chance that things will unfold in the next few weeks, not necessarily good things. Still, let’s give it a go…