Properly grown

I used to naively think that teenage is the beginning of all troubles with a kid. Now, I know better: by the time they’re 12, they’ve already been through several cycles of crisis / temporary resolution / more crisis / shorter resolution… What they call parenting.

Turns out 3 is one of those phases, at least for our girl. To be fair, a lot happened in a row for her:

  1. She had to stop using a pacifier because it was starting to move her teeth forward, which you don’t want unless you’re into going to the orthodontist’s.

  2. She got a bigger bed because the older one was simply too small at this point, especially if you put all the teddies she absolutely needed to sleep with in there;

  3. We initiated the potty training process, which she first looked excited about, until she realized diapers were more practical.

A few nights ago, as we were way past her bedtime and she had (supposedly) gone to sleep, I heard footsteps from the living room:

— Dad?

— Yeah?

— The bed is not properly…

— Properly what?

— The bed is not properly!

She already sounded frustrated, which was not a good sign. I stood up from the couch and popped my head in her room:

— What do you mean, your bed is not properly?

— My bed is not pro—per—ly!

— Sophia, that doesn’t make any sense…

— Yes it does!

— Huh… Do you have a blog?

— No…

— Trust me then, it doesn’t make any sense.

— But my bed is not properly!

— Properly what? This needs a qualifier, honey…

— What?!

— Never mind…

I walked up to her bed: she’d moved around so much that the sheets had gone out on one end.

— Are you talking about the sheets?

— Yes!

— Well, you could have said so…

— I said the bed was not properly!

— You should have said, the bed is not properly made…

— You’re the maid!

I fear this is only the beginning.


A funny thing happened on the way from the European elections


The waist test