I could care less

Despite what Youtube seems to think, I am not American. Therefore, I do not really care what happens on November 5th: whether or not Kamala Harris becomes the first female US president, my life in Paris, France will be virtually unchanged. The shows I watch on Youtube might have a different tone, but that’s about it: the bread at the bakery will taste the same, my daughter’s curriculum at school will not move one bit, my startup projects will keep going at pace — in my head.

In other words, I could simply ignore what happens in this US election cycle. Except I don’t, for three key reasons:

  1. The United States remain the world’s biggest superpower. Consequently, this election’s impact will arguably be felt across the world at one point or another. If Trump gets reelected, global geopolitics will inevitably be affected, all the way to my little part of the world. I might start speaking Russian more often;

  2. Beyond geopolitics or economics, the moral influence the US has on the world is significant. Like it or not, the country is a beacon for others: when it elects Donald Trump, we know that Western democracies are being threatened. When it promotes sustainable practices across industries, we know there is hope. When it elects its first female president, things are looking up;

  3. I personally love the United States. The place may have its limits (like all others), but it remains the most dynamic country on the planet. It’s no wonder most of innovation currently hails from there: that Protestant ethic which still lies at its core makes for a society that is as free and encouraging as they come.

For these reasons I wish for Kamala Harris to get elected come November 5th. For the United States to keep growing as a superpower, in a context that is arguably more tense. For its aura to remain strong, despite divisions brought about by conflicts like the Middle-East. For my desire to go live there to stay intact — and, incidentally, for local immigration law to still make it possible.

If Trump gets reelected, it will not be the end of the world. It will simply be sad.


The intelligence of Donald Trump


New beginnings