I wrote a book
OK, so, remember I told you I was writing a book? About Russia? More specifically, about my life in Russia? I actually alluded to it a bunch of times, although you may not have caught on my ever so subtle hints on the matter. Not to mention IRL hints: everyone who actually knows me (which means all of you, I think) has probably heard about it far too many times over the years…
Well, guess what, it actually happened: I wrote the whole thing!
Granted, it took me years: I first announced I would write a book about my experiences in Russia pretty much as soon as I came back to France, i.e. back in 2009. That’s a while ago, you may notice, but that’s how long it took me to go from wishful thinking to actual thinking — and writing.
Granted, it’s not Dostoyevsky: despite the subject matter, the style of this book has less to do with Nobel prize-worthy literature and more to do with easy-to-read, sitting-on-the-toilet kind of stuff. Which is just as well: we have time to sit on the toilet these days… Right?
Note: I hope no one will use this book as toilet paper. Or, if you do, please take out the cover first…
Granted, it’s not exactly a scientific analysis of the country (Russia, for those who already lost track and/or interest), its geopolitical, sociological and intellectual underlying models. It’s got more to do with anecdotes highlighting my youthful idiocy in a foreign land. Although, to be fair, I hope you will find interesting takeaways here and there, in-between two stories about me getting black out drunk in some dive bar…
In short, this book takes the style of this blog to tell the story of my life before this blog. I hope you enjoy it. And, if you don’t, there’s always the toilet paper route.
Order here, in toilet paper or digital format!
Note: if you hail from France (as do most my readers, to the point that I should probably write in French, but what would be the fun in that?), here is the link to the French Amazon. It turns out Amazons are national animals: who knew?
Note #2: For those living in post-Brexit UK, here is your Russian fix…
Note #3: For those who want to know more before buying anything online, here you go… Over and out!