Mo space mo problems

I realize I haven’t written on here in over a week. That’s because I have a life. Kidding: I actually don’t…

It all started Monday. Well, it all started with a microbe billions of years ago (for the non-flat earthers among us), but let’s make it more specific: we bought a new place on Monday. Well, it was just the very last step in the process (this process, that is: more on that later), since we’d already signed the sale agreement this summer, then spent way too many months sorting out all the necessary documents and setting up a couple bank loans (one long term, one short term to cover for my flat, which is still in the process of being sold: that’s the other process). In any event, we got the keys on Monday. We should have gotten them in the morning, but a technical glitch prevented notaries from signing the paperwork amongst themselves — we’d signed waivers and were not even involved. The point is, we made it. Yay.

But that was only step #1, it turns out: my wife had taken it upon herself to prepare most of the admin stuff required for the new place — insurance (that one I was actually involved), water, electricity, basic furniture (that one I was somewhat involved), Internet — obviously the most important thing of all… And, just like that, we got it almost right: we got a bed, a couple of tables (one of which is stable) and chairs, the lights work fine (for the most part: turns out when you have a system with dimmable lights, not all lightbulbs are compatible, who knew? We didn’t)… Then the Internet company called a day before the set date to tell us they had to postpone installation for unclear “technical difficulties”. So close…

We have a ridiculous list of things left to do, not to mention we also have to think about the upcoming baby and his needs: they’re not even born yet and they’re already a pain in the a**. Don’t tell her I said that, by the way: I hope she never reads this blog. And why would she? I wrote it, she’ll probably ready every blog on the planet before her dad’s… Anyway, I digress. The next item on the agenda is moving in said new place. For the second time in 6 weeks. Yay…


SEO ready


The upside of our times