On progress
Today’s text is a little different from what I’ve been humouring you with as of late. I had 2 hours to spare on a train yesterday with little to no internet connection, so I figured I might as well take the time and write about one of the (many) theoretical discussions I have with myself. In my head: I am not a total lunatic. Yet.
Here it is…
Every and any concept is bound to be challenged over time. In other words, no (human) idea of any kind comes without context, without some sort of cultural, historical and/or intellectual bias. After all, we are but mortals, and with that come all our limitations. Progress is one such concept, which has evolved in people’s perceptions over time. By its direct definition, it is supposed to entail a proactive dynamic towards improving the plight of (wo)man, enhancing the tools at their disposal, generally aiming for a better tomorrow. At least that is the designated intent.
Controversy around the notion of progress is about as old as the concept itself. Both became intertwined with industrial innovation and the societal changes that came with it in modern times. So did political and intellectual changes. Beyond the strictly left-leaning, socialist and/or communist school of thought, you will find many moderate intellectuals eager to point out the limitations of a concept such as progress. Indeed, the main bias behind the idea is that it points towards a single direction: up. Therefore implying that a) that is a goal to be kept in mind for us all, b) the alternative, either stagnation or, worse, backward movement, is inherently bad. Or at the very least less good.
That criticism is a theoretically valid point: by displaying reality through the progress / backwardness paradigm, there comes a hierarchy of choices and behaviors towards a logic of improvement, change for the better, going forward rather than staying put, let alone choosing to get back to a previous idea or situation. Inevitably, progress implies a simplification of reality where the preferred way clearly constitutes a single direction. So… is that bad? In other words, does that theoretical limitation hinder the very notion of progress to the point that one should refrain from using it?
Not so fast. While the notion of progress does admittedly introduce a bias in one’s thinking process, a) so does every other notion: since Descartes and arguably since Socrates, we are well aware than any and every human thought comes with some sort of bias, whether we like it or not; b) up is not such a bad direction. Put simply and somewhat more partially, going up tends to be the best way to look at things. Not all things, not all the time, but most things most of the time…
To sum up, while the debate around the notion of progress is an intellectually valid one, this should not however make one lose sight of the fact that the concept remains an eminently pertinent general goal to have in mind. For it could be argued that the dynamics of progress are humanity’s driving force — if not more…