The week(s) after
So, it’s been almost 2 weeks. That I became a father, for those who didn’t follow. I thought I had been pretty clear about that… The point is — the dust has more or less settled. And by that I mean, our sleeping patterns are already more or less changed, some might say for the better: I actually wake on my own in the morning now. If by “on my own” you mean to avoid having to change a diaper…
Now, before anyone starts protesting that I don’t know what I’m talking about, that 12 days is nothing, that I’m delusional and/or sleep deprived (a likely valid point in any event), let me reassure you: I am fully aware that this is merely the beginning of a 20+ year ride (30+ if our daughter wants to become an artist). We are still in the infancy (pun intended) of this whole situation: the little lady can barely see us at this point, and she still mostly interacts with us by crying when she’s hungry or hungry, feeding herself, then sleeping it off. And giving us aforementioned diapers to change after that’s been processed.
My point, though, is this: the first element of surprise/wonder, call it what you will, is somewhat gone. In other words, we are now very much in the thick of it. Having to handle a baby girl with always urgent needs while working, occasionally sleeping… and even writing blog post, it seems. Although not as frequently as I once did, which obviously is in no way related to all this. And the fact that the initial phase is already past us comes without any form of nostalgia in my mind: every day is very much a new adventure, with new discoveries (especially for the little lady) and my very own goals and objectives are increasingly sharpened as they are being put into this new perspective — and as fatigue cuts short the otherwise incessant overthinking that I’ve been prone to since I was… myself an infant.
Here’s to many more days/months/years/decades of this, whether or not our little Sophia does indeed decide on becoming an artist. Business is good too, I say. So is accounting.